When you add or edit a service in the system from any device, it shows on every other device using your software in real time, including your TV display.
\nYou can use the full power of the software directly from your phone or any device with an internet connection.
\nInstead of using an unorganized whiteboard or something similar to keep track of your services and their information, you can use a smartTV with this software and it will show any details about the service you want in any format you want. You can see whatever information you want at a glance completely accurately and updating in real time.
\nInput your casket inventory once and have it constantly updated. When a service is added to the schedule, the casket being used is removed from the inventory. See the quantity and types of caskets you have in your inventory quickly and easily from anywhere.
\nEach customer can create as many accounts for different people as needed with different permissions for each one. You can give access to your local greenhouse(s) or vault company so they can view some things, but not edit your services. Inviting someone is as simple as clicking a button and entering the email of whoever yoou want to invite. This generates a shareable link that opens a page for them to sign up.
\nCall the service location or cemetery associated with a service directly from that service. If you've added an address for it, you can also click a link to get directions via google maps.
\nMistakes happen. If someone goes in and deletes pretty much anything in the software that you don't want deleted, you can easily go restore them with all of their information. Almost nothing in the software is ever fully deleted.
\nThe features of this software are constantly improving any time a customer has an idea. The features shown here are just a small percentage of the features the software has currently and an even smaller percentage of the features the software will have in the future!
\nYou can add pretty much any information you can think of to a service. If something you want isn't there, just let us know and we can probably get it added! Some of the information that can currently be added to each service is name, date, current body location, service location, cemetery location (along with a 'contacted' checkbox), the time and date that family is coming in, casket, visitation, personnel, director, vehicles, service requirements (with 'done' checks for each one), along with more information that is always expanding.
\nDepending on how independent your different locations are, you may be able to roll them all into only one payment. The main determining factor is if you need different sets of services for each funeral home. For example, if Location 1 has John Doe as a service, can Location 2 see it and edit it too? If the answer is yes, then you can use the same software payment to cover both locations. Otherwise, you will need to get the software separately for each location.
\nA credit/debit card through the website would be best, but a check would also work along with possibly more payment methods. If you don't want to pay by card, send me an email and we can figure out what would work best for you.
\nUpdates are released almost any time any customer requests something to be added. This could be every week sometimes or it could be months between updates depending on what customers want added.
\nThe best place to reach us is by email. Hit the button below to contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
\nOf course! Email us and we can set up a demo either virtually or in person.
\nAny TV that has access to the internet will work. If you don't know what to get, you can email us and we can help figure out what you need.
\nThe TV view is fully customizable. Color, layout and the information displayed can all be changed. Most other aspects of the software need to be the same across different customers, but if you put in a request with an idea to change something or add something that would be beneficial to all customers, it can be added or changed.
\nSend an Email
\n\n {{ new Date(service.date).toLocaleString([], {weekday: 'short'}) }} \n {{ new Date(service.date).toLocaleString([], {year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric'}) }} \n {{ new Date(service.date).toLocaleString([], {hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'}) }}\n {{ service.bl }} | \n ||
{{ service.name }} | \n{{ service.name }} | \nVisitation Starts: {{new Date(service.visitationstart).toLocaleString([], {weekday: 'long'})}} {{new Date(service.visitationstart).toLocaleString([], {year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric'})}} at {{new Date(service.visitationstart).toLocaleString([], {hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'})}} Ends: {{new Date(\"February 04, 2011 \"+service.visitationend).toLocaleString('en-US', {hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: true})}} | \n
{{ service.serviceLoc }} {{ service.cem }} | \n Director: {{service.director}} | \n\n |